If you have questions about something that you have seen on the site, or an encounter that you have experienced in your life this form below will help you reach us. Or you can email us directly at crossingtheveils@gmail.com You can also find us on Facebook under Crossing the Veils of the Paranormal. One of our investigators will reach out to you as soon as possible. If you would like to request an investigation please see the questionnaire below.
Our team is located out of Arizona, and help received may vary based on location.
If you would like to request our team to investigate your property, please email us at crossingtheveils@gmail.com
In the subject bar please put "Investigation Request"
Copy and paste the form below in your email and fill out all the information that you are able to. If you have any supporting documentation of the haunting, be sure to attach the files in the email. Our team will review your case and contact you as soon as possible.
Case File Name:
Property Owner Name:
Owner Contact Information:
-Phone number:
-Email Address:
-Location Address:
Physical Description of site:
Number and types of rooms:
Age of the location/Date built:
Number of previous owners:
The number of structures on site:
Area of purported haunting:
Notable history of the site:
Historical events on site:
Known deaths on property:
Supporting documentation of events that occurred on site:
History of remodeling or additions/nature and location?
Has the site been blessed and if so, when and in what manner?
Have there been any objects or furniture brought onto the property in relation to the start of the activity?
Number of occupants at location:
Date occupants moved to location:
Pets on location/what type and how many:
Names and age of occupants:
Religious beliefs or affiliations of occupants:
Interview Questions
Problems with electrical appliances (TV, radio, computer, clock, microwave etc….):
Electrical disturbances (Flickering lights, doorbell, frequent/unexplained bulb burnouts, ect….):
Plumbing Problems (Leaks, faucets, tub, sink, shower ect….):
Doors or windows opening or closing:
Strong Psychic thoughts or impressions:
Children speaking or interacting with someone not there:
Any recent death of any friends or loved ones:
Recent anniversary of the death of a loved one or friend (Birthday, anniversary of death or any other significant anniversary):
Recent puberty or emotional stress of anyone living on site:
Abnormal nightmares or trouble sleeping or change in sleep patterns:
Any physical contact:
Have any pets been affected:
Are events centered around one specific person:
Are events seen as potentially life-threatening? If so, Why?:
Are there any witnesses besides those living on property:
-Name of witness:
-Event witnessed:
Have any of the occupants experienced any of the following and if so, who:
- Frequent illness
- Strange orbs
- Unexplained Mists
- Apparitions/shadow figures
- Unexplained Hot or cold spots
- Unexplained mood swings (especially in certain rooms or areas)
- Unexplained odors (tobacco, perfume, flowers, sulphur, Ect….)
- Unexplained voices (talking, screams, crying, whispering Ect…)
- Unexplained sounds (knocking, footsteps, banging, ect….)
- Movement or disappearance of objects:
- Have any of the occupants experienced paranormal activity before moving to location? When, in what nature?
- Use of any alcohol, illegal or hallucinogenic substances: Who, how often and what substance?
- History of mental illness in the family?
- Do any of the occupants have interest in the occult (Ouija boards, seances, ect…)
This questionnaire is to determine potential haunting and possible causes of phenomena and will help us to determine the best course of action to resolve the issues. All of the information will remain confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the team and those associated with the property. Withholding or falsification of information will greatly affect the team's ability to resolve any issues regarding the activity. The team reserves the right to end the investigation and sever communication depending on the severity of the information that is withheld or falsified. This is a legal and binding contract, by signing below, you authorize the investigation team to have access to the property.
Please note that it is possible that bringing our team onto the property to investigate any paranormal phenomena and the team can not be held responsible if this should occur.
Owner/Property Manager
Name:_____________________ Date:___________ Signature:_____________________
Name:_____________________ Date:___________ Signature:_____________________